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Swapping Guidelines

ClotheSwap provides a free way for people with good quality children's שבת clothes to contact each other, swap, pass on or give away these items. People who use this service agree not to sell any item or make any gain or profit other than agreeing to swap or pass on an item. All items submitted to us must be given away free of charge. ClotheSwap itself does not swap, buy, sell, collect, give or receive items. Those who use the website agree to make their own private arrangements to swap or give items away to help others.

Receiving Items

Once you have clicked the interested button, as soon as possible, you will be given the details of the person who has that item of clothing. Once we have given you the details, it is up to you and the person who has the item to arrange when you can pick it up/drop it off. 

We strongly suggest that only adults arrange to pick up the clothes.

Giving Items

All clothes must be in good condition and not need washing or mending.

If you submit an item to ClotheSwap please aware that by using this website, you consent that we will pass your contact details to the person who would like an item of clothing. You agree that people who use the ClotheSwap website will contact you with the details you provide and you will make private and friendly arrangements for the collection of items as soon as possible.

The first person to contact ClotheSwap via WhatsApp to collect an item will be submitted to the item owner on a first come first serve basis. The item will be removed from the gallery as soon as possible after the first person's details are passed on.


Any photographs of clothing should only contain the piece of clothing on a plain background/floor and should not include people or personal items or information.

Item descriptions, sizes or ages and photos and your contact details must be accurate. ClotheSwap does not take responsibility  for errors or mistakes in providing this free service or guarantee the accuracy of information on our website or quality of items people submit to ClotheSwap. We do not take responsibility for information or contact details we provide to those who use the service or arrangements made privately based on our communication with you.


We ask users to check accuracy of any information. Information or photos you provide must not contain advertising or copyrighted material that is not yours. Please do not send photos from catalogues or website, but only your own photo of any item.

ClothesSwap reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any posting.


By sending photos to ClotheSwap you agree to extend a non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license for ClotheSwap to use, modify or publicly display your material, both on and off our website.

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